But what about other possible classes which could exist in WoW? Here's an idea for an additional class for World of Warcraft: the Warden. Based on Warcraft 3's Night Elf hero, the Warden is a melee/caster hybrid which specializes in vicious attacks, sneaking, self-preservation and a whole realm of magical abilities based on the idea of crippling and incapacitating his enemies, as Wardens are known within the Elf communities as peace keepers and bounty hunters. Only Blood Elves and Night Elves can become Wardens.
The Warden wears cloth armor, uses a new type of weapon called Glaives, which are double-edged circular weapons which can be thrown and summoned back. It has three talent trees: Conservation, Wrath and Skirmish. Conservation boosts the Warden's protective spells and abilities; Wrath boosts his offensive spells and Skirmish boosts his melée and ranged combat abilities.
Here's a short list of spells, talents and abilities of the Warden:
Spell: Fan of Knives

Tracking: Infravision

Spell: Spirit of Vengeance

Buff: Nature's Constitution

Talent: Leather Armor

Spell: Phase

Similar to the Mage's Blink spell, the Warden's Phase spell will teleport the caster within a 20 yard range to a random location. If this random location is situated behind the Warden's enemies' field of view, the Warden's aggro is reset as they lose sight of him. If, however, this random location is within the field of view, his enemies simply relocate and resume their attack.
Buff: Moss Armor

Combat style: Crippling Blow

Spell: Spoil Magic

Combat style: Backlash

The Warden surprises his enemies with a spinning backward attack which hits all of his enemies currently placed behind him. A low blade swipe, this attack also snares and temporarily incapacitates his enemies.
Ability: Bust Lock

Similar to the Rogue's Lockpick ability, the Warden's Bust Lock is instantaneous and unlocks a door or a chest for everyone else without having to open it. The Bust Lock ability also deals instant damage to any mechanical foe. Its drawback is a 5-minute cooldown.
Talent: Enhanced Evade

By putting points into this talent, the Warden significantly boosts his evade ability. Five points into the talent will boost the Warden's evade by an additional 10%.
Combat style: Hurl

Spell: Bloodfang


Using their unique ability to use their clothes and layers of cloaks and robes as camouflage, the Warden can completely vanish from sight. It is similar to the Rogue's ability to sneak but can be used while in combat. It is however less effective, as higher level monsters might see through the ruse.
1 comment:
Absolutely gorgeous ideas on this class. Hopefully you can grace the Internats with more of these in the near future!
One thing your description made me realise is... why do developers bother putting 30 mins buffs? I mean, who in their right mind would not activate the buff (that is unless they're gathering and even then)... Why not just make it a class-specific perma-buff?
The (high) mana cost usually associated with those are one way of offsetting the buff, but really what is the fun in that?
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