Here's a bunch of ideas for classes for an MMO. Inspiration comes from everywhere and anywhere as I try to create original classes which could be fun to play. The reason I'm posting this one is MMOs seem to be stuck in a loop when it comes to class types and are generally unwilling to take chances or to denigrate types of players. After all, it is easier to get into a game if the classes available are similar to the ones we've played before in other games.
So, no healer, no tank, no rogue class, no pure caster. Welcome to Hybrid Land. :)
The Runeblade

Used mostly as secondary tank, the Runeblade wears heavy armor and is capable of withstanding more magical damage than other classes. Some Runeblades even develop the capacity of wielding their own magics, as residual magical energies from their blade eventually accumulates into their bodies.
The Sagittarian

Each Sagittarian archer crafts his magical arrow and uses it for several years until broken or lost. It is even believed that the Sagittarian and his arrow develop an unbreakable bond, as the magically infused arrow develops a personality. After death, Sagittarians are buried with their trusty magical arrow, as any other way would be a great dishonor.
The Stargazer

Different stars and planets have different powers. Ares, the planet associated with war, inflicts wounds to the enemy and boost the caster's bloodlust. Turan, the star associated with love and compassion, will revive a fallen ally or otherwise boost their morale and vitality. Stargazers can also predict the future to a certain extent, therefore giving them an edge in battle. They thus make excellent commanders.
The Naturalist

By planting trees and seeds, healing injured animals or cleaning the waters of a stream, the Naturalist's natural Karma would increase, thus ensuring that, in times of desperate need, Nature would return the favor. Naturalists would have a full range of healing spells, buffs and offensive spells, but in addition, as their Karma increased, they could summon swarms of animals, charm a pet wolf or animate a flesh-eating tree to defend them. Naturalists would fare much better in wooded areas, as there would more surrounding Nature to fend off their enemies and protect them.
Some great ideas here. I particularly like the skills required to play a Runeblade.
One question though, you mention the Stargazer's ability to see in the future, how would that impact the gameplay?
I was thinking of giving the player a log of the selected mob's future moves. Right now, in more MMO PvE fights, the AI is extremely simple and basically just random, most of the time, or following a few scripted conditional actions.
It could be a similar system except the mobs have a list of future actions which the player could see. The higher the skill, the longer the list.
Also, the Stargazer could have an "Intuition" whereas he could know in advance if a monster (or even another player, for PvP) was going to ambush him.
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